Pet-friendly House Plants


You love your fur baby and your houseplants but unfortunately many popular houseplants like Monstera, aloe vera, photos are toxic and can make your pet sick if ingested.

 This beauties are recognised as not toxic by the ASPCA so safe for your pet:

-Watermelon peperomia

-African Violet

-Cast Iron Plant

-Swedish Ivy

-Rabbit Foot Fern

-Burro’s Tail

-Cavendish Banana Tree

-Peacock Plant Calathea

-Friendship Plant Pilea involucrata

-Money Tree

-Parlor Palm

-Spider Plant

-Button Fern

-Baby Rubber Plant

-Ponytail Plant


-Prayer Plant

-Staghorn Fern

-Wax  Plant

-Moth Orchid

-Christmas Cactus

-Areca Palm

Enjoy your pet friends and a beautiful safe green environment.

Lots of love, your plant lady :)


RainWater Benefits